Please take advantage of our Power Flush offer and prepare your central heating for this Winter 

A free Magnetic filter (worth up to £100) with every Full Central Heating Power Flush

A magnetic filter collects residual sludge and magnetite from your heating system which prolongs the life of your radiators and boiler.

A Full Power Flush is the most effective way to clean a dirty heating system thoroughly, it will improve your heating, help you use less energy, and keep you warm at home.

Having a Central Heating Powerflush can reduce the risk of the following:

Reduced efficiency-Sludge, rust, and limescale can cause leaks and blockages to your heating pipes causing problems and reducing your boiler’s efficiency. 

Boiler Breakdown-A clogged boiler and pump causes breakdowns. 87% of boiler breakdowns are due to sludge and dirt in the system.

Cold spots on your radiators- The build-up of sludge causes cold spots on radiators, this means the heat cannot flow around and your radiators have to work harder to produce heat for your room and use more energy

For more information and to arrange a competitive quotation please get in touch with our office. we will be happy to assist you

01206 738979